Happy New Year!

With Christmas now in the books, we naturally turn our attention to the next big holiday: New Year’s! What’s the first thing that comes to mind when we think about this holiday? For most people, and I’d be willing to bet on this, the word “resolution” comes to mind. Almost everyone makes one in the spirit of forwarding personal progression and change for the better. “Lose 10 Lbs.” or “make healthier choices”. Maybe even somewhere along the lines of changing their financial and personal situations. Whatever the resolution, a call to action is present and it’s kind of the whole point, isn’t it? Maybe you are a part of that .001% of people that either doesn’t have a resolution, doesn’t believe in them, or you are just simply content with exactly where you are in life; you can still make a conscious effort to better your situation. What am I talking about? Let’s chat.

Have you ever heard that your possessions, especially things like your car, are extensions of yourself and serve as reflections of your character? I once attended a business conference where one of the Keynote speakers talked about the hiring process for a particularly large company he owned. One of the final interview process steps he implemented involved walking with the interviewee to their vehicle and seeing them off. Seems like a polite and courteous gesture, right? But he did this for a reason. He told us that if he walked them to their car and it was filthy in appearance, unkept, or filled with fast food garbage, they never got a call-back. Why? Because we are judged, whether we like it or not, by our overall appearances, and this includes what you drive.

If our vehicles are eyesores, chances are there are multiple other areas of our lives that are equally lacking proper attention, and this is not the kind of person most people want to hire and trust with their businesses and clients. So, whilst everyone else is hitting the gym to attempt to change only their personal appearances this New Year’s, take it a step further and give your vehicles a look that will match your level of excellence and that will send a message that you are organized, pay attention to details, are aware of the subliminal message that you are overall communicating, and quite possibly most importantly, that you CARE.

Does your vehicle not reflect your level of excellence? Come see us! We offer everything from simple detailing to complete vehicular makeovers! You see, it doesn’t do much good to spend countless hours trying to look like the new Aquaman or Angelina Jolie when we are rolling up to an interview, date, or anywhere else in a run-down and hideous piece of junk! But, there’s hope yet! Come visit us and let us show you the possibilities!

Happy New Year from everyone at JP’s Collision Center and remember to celebrate responsibly this year! Be safe out there, never drink and drive, have a plan, and if all else fails…Uber it up! We wish you an epic 2019! Just a quick reminder that we will be closed New Year’s Day, January 1st. See you next week and cheers!