- July 25, 2018
- By Scott Olson
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We want this upcoming event to be as successful as possible, as well as keep everybody safe and comfortable while they enjoy themselves. That said, there are a couple of things that we feel we should communicate. We would like the orientation of the show cars to be concentrated in the parking lot
There’s nothing quite as satisfying as bringing a classic back to life. It’s like turning back the pages of history to breathe life into the past. It’s true that things just aren’t made like they used to be anymore, and it’s our responsibility to keep the past from disappearing altogether. This beautiful Mercury came
The date for the Car Show is steadily creeping up on us like a ninja in the grass, and we want to be prepared to knock this year’s show out of the park! As we comb out the last-minute details, we need to get a head count for those attending in order to give us
Happy 4th of July, everyone! I personally have so many fond memories of my dad and my brother duct taping fireworks together with bottle rockets (and subsequently setting the neighbor’s tree on fire). It was like a game of tag… almost…with fireworks. They’d light them and we’d dodge them. Somehow, we survived. Ahhhh, those