It’s a Revolution!

(Everybody calm down, it’s not that kind of revolution.)

If you’ve ever been in a large motorhome, then you know what it feels like when the driver takes a corner a little too swiftly. It’s that same uncomfortable feeling we get when a plane suddenly drops hundreds of feet in altitude due to turbulence or when we are teaching our teenager how to drive for the first time. Our rear ends tighten and we grab the “oh crap handle” like our lives depend upon it. Cups are falling from cupboards, the kids are screaming, the dog is looking at you like you’ve lost your mind and in short, it isn’t a good feeling.

This Revolution had the unfortunate accident of being driven around a tight turn too quickly, sending it onto its drivers’ side. Every motorhome owner’s worst nightmare, right? Luckily, no one was injured in this event and the owner knew exactly where to take it to be fixed. The extensive damage will require quite the overhaul and we are diving into the task! The first step was getting it into the shop, which, even though we boasted about having large enough bays to accomodate any project, required that we actually tear down a wall to allow for the length of this beast. (Who says we don’t go the extra mile?)

The driver’s side received the majority of the damage, along with the front and tail ends. The interior had to be gutted due to the damage caused to the slide out and the entire drivers seat area had to be pulled out and gutted as well. Before this ginormous rig even makes it to body and paint we first have to fix the slide out and the front and tail ends, which sounds a lot easier than it will be in reality. If you look at the collage pictures, you will see the wiring harnesses hanging everywhere and the extent of what we are up against. But we love a good challenge, and boy did we get what we wanted!

Stay tuned as we cover the entire process, from start to finish over the next consecutive weeks. Watch as we turn this wreck back into a chariot fit for a king and queen! Have an interesting project for us? Reach out or stop by and let us show you what we can do for you!